welcome to silly land!!!


august 2024


may 2024

05.19.2024 05.18.2024 05.17.2024 05.16.2024


long time no post... phew! life update! im a manager now and... gosh so stressful haha! oh i also went to animeiowa! very fun! i loved it a lot. my first con in over a year's time. i spent way too much money....


im nervous. thos job has me stressing wayyyy too much... i need to work on commissions i owe


my head. straight up. hurts.
working nightshifts is gonna kill me one day lololol
i should change my header gif
just looking at it is hurting me
EDIT: ugh i sooo do not want to go to work tomorrow. this sucks.


testing post testing post...
omfg i spent hours making that pentagram dropdown post navigation
now i have to make several fake posts to overfill this posts container to make sure the overflow works
i need to figure out how to add more space between lines?
EDIT: omg finally ive made thsi site work (relatively) on mobile...!!!! it only took.. four hours LOL
i dont wanna go to work tomororw :[ or well. today. later today.


this is a really bare-bones website since im still learning. bear with me while i fight for my life!!!
i've decided to make the text huge because i myself have difficulty reading small text. this is easiest for me!!!

life updates